Manor Homes with History –
A vacation in the English Country Side
We have often written about different Manor Homes in England. This week we flew into Heathrow for a vacation dedicated to viewing some of these great Estates. A side note here we are about to be hit by a weather bomb so any thoughts I had of great outdoor garden photos have been put aside for now. Honest, only I would get this as my weather report for a vacation!
This trip combines by husbands love of history with my love of architectural buildings and all things embellished.
First we’re catching up with son in Southampton on some top secret sailing stuff… then were off on the Manor House, History, and Molding Tour.
On the tour
Chartwell, and Blenheim
and Cliveden, all perfect English Manors.
This history, Churchill, The Mitford Sisters, Profomo, and Vanderbilt there is a such a range here.
What they have in common is a historic lifestyle mixed with some of the strongest patriotism ever seen worldwide and many a scandal.
This is the vacation you get when Mr and Mrs Efex travel.
Along the way were going to London and maybe a short stay at one of the Soho Club in Oxfordshire.
Watch the Instagram Feed for fun photo’s of places and historic snippets about some of the great Manors of England..
Maybe I’ll even find some more embellishments that we can turn into Efex.